Friday, May 8, 2009

You Found WHAT In Your Food?!

JH: I read this article today about a man who found a snake head in his broccoli at T.G.I. Friday's. What disgusting things have you found in your food while eating out?

CH: This post and the comments are all making me a bit nauseous!! As much as I love to eat out, this is making me rethink it!!

I personally haven't found anything worse than a hair in my food...although I witnessed a heat light breaking over the french fries holder at a Burger King once and then the workers turned and scooped them up for a customer.....I, of course, pointed this out to them....I'm pretty sure they had to have heard/saw it happen...but didn't seem to care. Crazy. I passed on the fries.

I read in the paper recently about some gigantic, deadly, foreign-country spider crawling around the produce at a Whole Foods store recently...but there was some talk about whether it was really the deadly kind or just the other huge, hairy kind that isn't actually deadly....either way - HUGE tarantula-looking spider crawling around in Whole Foods is pretty creepy!

JH: Just watch the movie "Waiting" and you'll never eat out again! I can't think of anything too out of the ordinary food-wise, but I once bought a cheapie pencil sharpener and when I got it home found something disturbing. I kid you not ... there was a pubic hair inside of the pencil sharpener where the shavings end up, and the product itself was all packaged, so it came from the factory like that! I wanted to take it back, but Joe wanted to keep it to show people! He was like "when will something like this ever happen again?!"

Hopefully, never!


Poke Salad Annie said...

eeEEEEeeew. once i almost choked on a cheese burger cuz the guy forgot to take the plastic out from inbetween the cheese slices. and my grandpa was stung by a bee that was in his coke can :P

Kelly L said...

I was at the Claim Jumper and there was a baby snail on my salad.... it was kinda cute...but couldn't eat the salad... ordered a club sandwich hold the lettuce!

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

Oh Yuck! I found a roach in my soda straw at a Mexican Rest once. I freaked out!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

OMG that's crazy!

Charlotte said...

Maybe TGIF should be re-named WTF?!

Mike said...

I found a band-aid in a salad once!


that was naaasty! a snake head? i would die. maybe on the spot. i once was at a Mc Donalds when a patron found a rat foot in a chicken nugget. yeah, that's digusting!


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